Refund Policy

At LatestExamDumps, we are committed to providing top-quality products designed to help you prepare for real exams effectively. We encourage you to explore our product demos, which are available free of charge, so you can make informed decisions before making a purchase.

We fully stand behind our products with a Money-Back Guarantee. If you diligently prepare with our products and still do not pass the exam, we will issue a full refund—no questions asked.

Should you require a withdrawal, refund, order cancellation, return, or exchange of purchased product(s) for any valid reason, or if you have any inquiries, please contact us directly. However, kindly note that we retain the right to reject your refund request if we observe any excessive usage activity in your account.

You are entitled to a full refund under the following circumstances:

  • Within a two-day period after receiving the product, provided that the product has not been activated or used by you.
  • In the event of force majeure, we will promptly notify the User. If force majeure persists for more than 14 days, both parties have the option to withdraw from the agreement. If the User has prepaid for the product(s) and/or service(s), a full refund will be issued.
  • In the event you fail the exam on your initial attempt, you have the option to request a refund or exchange the exam for another of your choice. 
  • We reserve the right to update, withdraw, or amend the price of any product or service at any time without prior notice. While we strive for accurate pricing, errors may occur. In such cases, transactions will be voided, and a full refund will be issued.
  • We also reserve the right to update, withdraw, or modify any services and products offered, or change their prices at any time without explanation. Although we endeavor to maintain accurate and current prices, errors may occur. Transactions affected by such errors will be canceled, and the User will receive a full refund.

Refund requests may be declined under the following circumstances:

  • If the product(s) has been activated or used by you before the refund request was made.
  • Customers who frequently purchase and refund products over an extended period may face suspension for violating the Refund Policy.
  • To request a refund, please contact our Support Team.

Payment Refund Procedure (In the event of exam failure):

To initiate the refund process, kindly provide us with the following details via email:

  1. A scanned copy of your “enrollment slip” for the certification exam, indicating the date of your registration.
  2. A scanned copy of your Result/Score Report for the failed exam.
  3. Order number of the products purchased from our platform.
  4. Your name and the payment method used for the purchase.

Please send the required information to our email address:

Upon receipt of the necessary documentation, we will proceed with the refund process. Depending on your preference, you will either receive a repayment of the funds or be provided with a new product that may help you pass your exam.

Payment Refund Policy (In the event of exam failure):

To uphold the integrity of our money-back guarantee and ensure it benefits our loyal customers, we have established certain criteria that must be met for a refund claim to be considered valid:

  1. The candidate must have diligently prepared for the examination and spent a minimum of 14 days studying our materials.
  2. The candidate’s decision to skip the examination should not be due to personal issues.
  3. The product must have been purchased from us within the last 30 days. Refund claims cannot be made after this period.
  4. Outdated exam materials are not eligible for refund claims. Candidates who attempt an exam using outdated materials after it has been updated by the LatestExamDumps team are not entitled to refunds.
  5. The guarantee does not extend to “non-proctored” exams, which are exams available online without supervision.
  6. Our Guarantee Policy does not cover Adobe, Nutanix, BCS, EMC, iSQI, Salesforce, or SSCP exams. However, customers can choose any other exam as a replacement.
  7. Refunds are not applicable for retired exams. This applies to customers who use our current product for an exam that has already been retired.
  8. If the product was acquired at a discounted price or obtained for free, no refund claim can be made.
  9. Bundles or packages are exempt from the refund option, and therefore, guarantee claims cannot be made for such purchases.

Refunds are processed immediately on our end upon receipt and processing of your refund request. However, it may take 5-10 business days for the funds to appear on your debit or credit card, depending on your financial institution. In some cases, refunds may take up to 30 days to appear on your account. If it has been more than 10 business days since the refund was processed by us and the funds have not appeared in your account, please contact your bank directly. If your bank does not show record of the refund, please contact us for further assistance.